Friday, 31 December 2010

European VAN on RavenDB on 11 January 2011

For the first E-VAN session of 2011, we’re going to continue our series on NoSQL. So we’re more than happy to announce that Oren Eini, also known as Ayende Rahien, agreed to do a talk on RavenDB. RavenDB is an open-source (with a commercial option) document database for the .NET/Windows platform. RavenDB offers a flexible data model design to fit the needs of real world systems. RavenDB stores schema-less JSON documents, allow you to define indexes using Linq queries and focus on low latency and high performance.

I guess Oren barely needs an introduction as he’s a well known active member of the .NET open-source community (NHibernate, Rhino Mocks, Castle, etc. …), the author of DSL’s in Boo and the developer/inspirer behind products like NHibernate Profiler, EF Profiler, Linq to SQL Profiler and RavenDB

Here are the details:

Start Time: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 08:00 PM GMT*

End Time: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 09:30 PM GMT

Attendee URL: (Live Meeting)

VAN Calendar:

(*) 08:00 PM UK, 09:00 PM Brussels, 03:00 PM EST, 01:00 PM MST and 12:00 Noon PST. For time zone arithmetic, you can consult the world clock site, use this time zone converter or every time zone.

Make sure that you don’t miss this excellent learning opportunity and we hope to see you there.


  1. The Google Calendar has the time as 8AM, not 8PM

  2. Unfortunately I had to miss this. Is there any chance it was recorded?
